Basically Related

Lee Benson discusses Scripture commentary for the weekly Mass readings and other musings. Whether it’s culture, psychology, politics, religion, or philosophy, it’s all basically related. New episode every Monday and Friday.

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Monday Mar 11, 2024

Welcome to the Monday Muse! Today, I am discussing and answering a question that was submitted to me by email. I am addressing the question of man's hylomorphic nature: what part of man is material and what part is immaterial and how do these interact? What is the distinction between mind and brain activity?
This episode discusses, explores, and examines:
- Hylomorphism: Matter and form defined and explained
- The nature of the body and the nature of the soul
- How the body and soul interact with each other
- Why the soul needs the body
- Why the mind is not the same as the brain
- How the mind is different than the brain
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Friday Mar 08, 2024

Lee Benson discusses and provides scripture commentary for the readings for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, 2024.
Reading selection for 4th Sunday in Lent:
- (First Reading): 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23
- (Pslam): PS 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6
- (Second Reading): Eph 2:4-10
- (Gospel): Jn 3:14-21 
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- Nietzsche's criticism of faith and works (sola fide and justification by faith alone)
- The necessity of living the faith boldly and with concrete actions
- Carl Jung on the imitation of Christ or the highest ideal
- Saint John of the Cross on growing in the spiritual life is to imitate Christ
- Imitation of Christ is the embodiment of faith
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You can find the readings here:
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Monday Mar 04, 2024

Welcome to the Monday Muse! Today, we are discussing how analytical psychology, Carl Jung's psychology, can help us understand the psychological value of the Sacrament of Penance (Confession).
Tell me what you think, and join the discussion in the comments!
This episode discusses, explores, and examines:
-What is confession?
-The nature of conscience
-Examination of conscience
-Self-Knowledge according to Carl Jung
-Recognizing the shadow and projection of the shadow
-Self-knowledge leads to knowledge of God and love of neighbor
-Psychological value and impact of confession
-The psychological difference between confessing to oneself or to another person
-Methods for integrating the shadow
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Friday Mar 01, 2024

Lee Benson discusses and provides scripture commentary for the readings for the Third Sunday of Lent, 2024.
Reading selection for 3rd Sunday in Lent:
- (First Reading): Ex 20:1-17
- (Pslam): Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11
- (Second Reading): 1 Cor 1:22-25
- (Gospel): Jn 2:13-25
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- The meaning of "You shall not have other gods beside me"
- The existence of other supernatural beings
- The prohibition against images and idols
- The meaning of Idolatry
- Wisdom, Signs, and the Cross
- Cleansing of the Temple as a foreshadowing of new worship
- Worship vs. Idolatry
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You can find the readings here:
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Monday Feb 26, 2024

Welcome to the Monday Muse! Today we are talking about the virtue of religion and Jordan Peterson's claim to "act as if God exists."
Tell me what you think and join the discussion in the comments!
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- Virtue of Religion: Definition and meaning
- How the virtue of religion differs from the virtue of faith
- Religion as a "practice" and not a theory
- What it means to act in a religious manner
- Carl Jung's definition of religion as the relationship to the highest value
- Carl Jung on religion and how everyone has a God, even Nietzsche
- Applying the virtue of religion to Jordan Peterson
- Analyzing the meaning of Jordan Peterson's claim to "act as if" God exists.
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Friday Feb 23, 2024

Lee Benson discusses and provides scripture commentary for the readings for the Second Sunday of Lent, 2024.
Reading selection for 2nd Sunday in Lent:
- (First Reading): Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18
- (Psalm): Ps 116:10, 15, 16-17, 18-19
- (Second Reading): Rom 8:31b-34
- (Gospel): Mk 9:2-10
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- My approach to Scriptural hermeneutics or method of interpretation (Bonus!)
- Sacrifice as natural to man
- The sacrifice or binding of Isaac
- The meaning and archetype of sacrifice
- Faith coupled with reason
- The necessity of sacrifice in the spiritual life
- The symbolism of Isaac
- The connection of sacrifice and transfiguration
- Passion leading to glory
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You can find the readings here:
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Monday Feb 19, 2024

Welcome to the Monday Muse! Today we are talking Fr. Victor White's book "Soul and Psyche" and the integration of the shadow or integration of evil.
Tell me what you think and join the discussion in the comments!
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- Integration of evil/shadow Jordan Peterson and Carl Jung
- An analysis of Peterson's and Jung's integration of the shadow
- What is meant by “evil”?
- Philosophical definitions of evil
- Evil as Privatio Boni or privation of the good
- Carl Jung on evil and the archetype of the shadow
- Saint Paul and mystics on the shadow
- Evil we do vs. the evil of a thing
- What it means to “accept” or “acknowledge” evil or the shadow
- What is integration of the shadow/evil
- What integration means from a philosophical or Christian perspective
- Can Christians accept "integration of evil"?
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Friday Feb 16, 2024

Lee Benson discusses and provides scripture commentary for the readings for the First Sunday in Lent, 2024.
Reading selection for 1st Sunday of Lent: 
- (First Reading):  Gn 9:8-15
- (Pslam): Ps 25:4-9
- (Second Reading): 1 Pt 3:18-22
- (Gospel): Mk 1:12-15
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- The Renewal of the Covenant with Noah
- The universal or cosmic covenant God makes with all creation
- The typology of the Flood and it's connection to baptism
- Hero's Journey and trials
- The meaning and significance of temptation in the spiritual life
- Symbolism and connection between the flood and the desert
- Temptation as renewal and transformation 
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You can find the readings here:
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Where is God? | Monday Muse

Monday Feb 12, 2024

Monday Feb 12, 2024

Welcome to the Monday Muse where Lee Benson ruminates and explores various topics of interest! Today we are discussing Ash Wednesday and the purpose and meaning of "Mortification."
Tell me what you think and join the discussion in the comments!
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- Freud's Eros and Thanatos instinct (for fun!)
- The symbolism of ashes and death
- The meaning, nature and purpose of "mortification"
- Why we must "make dead" our habits and attachments
- How we perceive our attachments 
- Where is God? What it means to search for God 
- The purpose of giving things up for Lent!
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Friday Feb 09, 2024

Lee Benson discusses and provides scripture commentary for the readings for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024.
Reading selection for 6th Sunday Ordinary Time:
- (First Reading): Lv 13:1-2, 44-46
- (Pslam): Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11
- (Second Reading): 1 Cor 10:31—11:1
- (Gospel): Mk 1:40-45
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- The three categories in the Israelite camp: Holy, Clean, and Unclean
- What does it mean to be "Holy" for the Israelites
- The nature and meaning of "unclean"
- The relationship between "Holy and unclean"
- Symbolism of "outside" -
The concept of alienation -
Symbolism of Leprosy -
Jesus has above and beyond the Law
- What it means to approach the holy
- Christ as the holy Tabernacle dwelling among us
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You can find the readings here:
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