Basically Related

Lee Benson discusses Scripture commentary for the weekly Mass readings and other musings. Whether it’s culture, psychology, politics, religion, or philosophy, it’s all basically related. New episode every Monday and Friday.

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Monday Feb 05, 2024

Welcome to the Monday Muse! Today we are talking Fr. Victor White's book "Soul and Psyche." 
Tell me what you think and join the discussion in the comments!
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- The modern failure of religion and possible causes
- How depth-psychology can help understand the failure of religion
- Why people walk away from the faith
- Failure of religion because of a failure to give the appropriate images of religion and God 
- The importance of the right religious images
- The lasting impact of religious images and ideas connected ot them
- Man as a naturally a religious being 
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Friday Feb 02, 2024

Lee Benson discusses and provides scripture commentary for the readings for the  Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024.
Reading selection for 5th Sunday Ordinary Time:
- (First Reading): Job 7:1-4, 6-7
- (Pslam): Ps 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-7
- (Second Reading): 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23
- (Gospel): Mk 1:29-39
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
The nature of hope and despair
Despair as against man’s nature to desire fulfillment
Viktor Frankl’s will to meaning
Happiness as a by product of meaning, not an aim
Finding purpose and meaning in suffering
Saint John of the Cross on the necessity of suffering for union with God
The need to suffer well in hope and faith
Suffering as a source for humility
God’s goodness, love, and power revealed in suffering
How God’s goodness and love can co-exist even with the presence of suffering
Suffering brings God to us
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You can find the readings here:
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Monday Jan 29, 2024

Welcome to the Monday Muse! Today we are talking Fr. Victor White's book "Soul and Psyche." 
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- The "therapy" conversation right now
- Man's metaphysical needs: meaning, understanding his place in the universe and his destiny
- Anthropology and psychological treatment
- Consideration of man's religious being in psychology
- How everyone has a life philosophy, whether conscious or unconscious
- Jung's unique contribution to psychology: collective unconscious and archetypes
- The clash of religion and psychology
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Friday Jan 26, 2024

Lee Benson discusses and provides scripture commentary for the readings for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024. These scripture readings come from the Roman Catholic lectionary for Sunday Mass readings. 
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- The nature of prophets, prophecy, and mediation 
- Further Old Testament backgrounds for both the Psalm and first reading 
- What it means to "tempt" God
- Virtue of religion and serving God without distraction
- Universal call to holiness and contemplation 
- Listening to the voice of God in prayer
- What is an unclean spirit compared to just a demon
- Archetypal priests and prophets 
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You can find the readings here:
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Monday Jan 22, 2024

Welcome to the Monday Muse! Today we are talking Fr. Victor White's book "Soul and Psyche." 
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- Fr. Victor White's approach to psychology
- The possible integration of Jungian psychology and Catholic theology
- The common ground between religion and psychology
- The meaning of "psyche" and "soul"
- Is there a distinction between mind and soul?
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Friday Jan 19, 2024

Lee Benson discusses and provides scripture commentary for the readings for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024.
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- Necessity of faith embodied in concrete actions
- Faith must be coupled with repentance
- Why faith by itself is not enough, repentance is needed
- Prayer and providence
- Metaphorical language for God: How does God "repent?"
- The meaning and essence of detachment
- The symbolism of fish and fishers of men 
- Demands of the Gospel and following Christ
- What it means to hear the call of Christ and respond 
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You can find the readings here:
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Monday Jan 15, 2024

Welcome to the Monday Muse where Lee Benson ruminates and explores various topics of interest from his Monday Substack article. Find more here:
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- Tertullian's "Anima naturaliter Christiana" and it's meaning
- The soul as the seedbed for universal archetypes 
- Carl Jung's use of anima naturaliter Christian
- Jung's belief that the psyche possessed a religious function 
- Anthropological proofs for the existence of God
- Man as a religious being
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Friday Jan 12, 2024

Lee Benson discusses and provides scripture commentary for the readings for the 2nd Sunday Ordinary Time, 2024.
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- Symbolism and meaning of sleep
- Divine calls
- How Christ calls us and how we listen to the call of God
- Suffering as a call
- The Hero's Journey and call to Adventure 
- The body and soul as a temple of God
- The "eternal question" asked by Jesus Christ to everyone 
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You can find the readings here:
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Monday Jan 08, 2024

Welcome to the Monday Muse where Lee Benson ruminates and explores various topics of interest from his Monday Substack article.
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This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- Universal Water Symbolism
- Symbols for Water and their meaning
- Immersion and Flood Motifs 
- Pre-Christian Water Symbols
- The Church Fathers on Water Symbolism
- Archetypal Patterns Belonging to All People
- Did Christian's Steal Baptism or Not?
- The Baptism of Jesus Christ 
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Friday Jan 05, 2024

Lee Benson discusses and provides scripture commentary for the readings for the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, 2024 
This episode discusses, explores and examines:
- Jersaulem as "Axis Mundi" or Center of the World
- What Saint Paul means by "mystery"
- The cultural and religious context of "mystery" 
- Who were the Magi?
- What was the star the Magi saw? 
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You can find the readings here:
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